How to shorten a long IPv6 IP Address to use it in Cloudflare IP lists

How to shorten a long IPv6 IP Address to use it in Cloudflare IP lists

Cloudflare WAF Firewall Security Rules are a great way to restrict access to specific URLs / URIs on your website (for instance the admin page (wp-admin) and the rest API path (wp-json/wp/v2)). I would suggest to limit access to those pages to both your personal IP and your hosting server’s IP. In order to prevent […]

How to fix “openai.error.RateLimitError: The server had an error”

fix openai.error .RateLimitError

If you’re a regular user of the OpenAI GPT API, you might have recently faced a very annoying issue, causing your Python script to fail 👇 or maybe this version, which I’ve seen more often over the last few weeks: There’s no rational reason explaining this “RateLimitError” (except of course if you’re actually flooding the […]

How to export all your blog posts as a CSV using Python and SQLite.

How to export all your blog posts as a CSV with Python and SQLite

A friend asked me if I could help him export all of his blog posts in a CSV format as he was considering migrating his content to another platform. The example in this article explains how to export content created on but you can apply the same basic principles to any blogging platform accessible […]

Transform any website into an API with Python / BeautifulSoup

Transform any website into an API with Python BeautifulSoup

I love APIs. They’re an amazing source of data for all kinds of creative projects. But what if a website doesn’t provide an official API? Can you still collect some data programmatically on a regular basis? If you want to transform (almost) any public-facing website into an API, you can leverage the power of Python, […]

How to create your own ChatGPT with OpenAI + Google Sheets + Kaggle Notebooks

your own ChatGPT with OPEN AI Google Sheets Kaggle

BREAKING NEWS: There is now an official API for ChatGPT. You can follow the steps in this tutorial and replace the call to GPT-3 by a call to the ChatGPT API. ChatGPT is all the rage. Everyone has started using the conversation AI interface released in November 2022 by OpenAI. While it provides a great […]

How to start using Python on your Mac

Install run Python on your Mac

Despite the tremendous advances in the no-code scene, I’ve been noticing an interesting trend: more and more people want to start using Python to enhance their automation skills. I’ve already published a few tutorials explaining how to connect Python to Google Sheets or to WordPress but I thought it would be worth spending some time […]

How to connect Python to Google Sheets

Connect Python to Google Sheets

You might be using Make (formerly Integromat) – as I also do – to manage your sales & marketing automations. It’s a great no-code solution, for sure. But if you want to develop more sophisticated automation scenarios, you should explore Python. I started coding in Python a few months ago and I’m now using .py […]

How to connect Python to WordPress


You might already be using Python to scrape, enrich and/or curate data. Python offers great packages such as Selenium, BeautifulSoup and Pandas enabling you to create advanced automated workflows. I’ll cover those packages in more details in forthcoming articles.  What if you want to connect Python to WordPress to generate and/or update some posts on your WP […]