The main language used on is of course English. But you can find gigs offered in all languages, including French.
How many gigs are there if you’re looking for services incl. “in French” in the description?
At time of writing (May, 1st 2021): 7,928.
Update (September 9, 2022): we’re now at 11,845 = x 1.4949 in 16 months.
Here are the best selling French services available on Fiverr at the moment.

As expected, the most popular categories are Translation, Copywriting and Voice Overs, where language is by essence an essential component. Some freelancers have already sold thousands of gigs, like this voice artist for instance.

As far as translations are concerned, some freelancers offer services from various languages, not only English, into French. For instance this lady who’s fluent in German, Italian, English and French.

These are just a few examples from the long list of FR gig providers. If you’re looking for a French speaking freelancer, you’ll probably find a good option on