What would be the killer application at the intersection of Generative AI and Crypto?

killer application at the intersection of Generative AI Crypto

These days everyone’s talking about Generative AI. Until late 2021, the focus was all on Crypto (it’s coming back). I asked GPT-4, the latest iteration of OpenAI’s LLM, what would be the killer application at the intersection of Generative AI and Crypto. The Ultimate Talk Of The Town, the perfect VC target.

GPT-4 invented a brand new concept (I couldn’t find any exact match occurrence on Google): DACPs, for Decentralized Autonomous Creative Platforms. Think Midjourney and the likes but on a blockchain. Why not.

Brand new concept: Decentralized Autonomous Creative Platforms
Decentralized Autonomous Creative Platform“, brand new on Google
A killer application at the intersection of Generative AI and Crypto would be decentralized autonomous creative platforms (DACPs). These platforms would leverage the power of generative AI models like GPT-4 for content creation while utilizing blockchain technology for decentralized management, trust, and value exchange. Key components of DACPs would include:

Decentralized AI content generation: AI algorithms could create a wide range of digital content, such as articles, music, art, or even video games. Users would be able to request specific content or collaborate with AI to generate personalized experiences.

Tokenized incentives and ownership: Blockchain-based tokens would be used to incentivize participation, collaboration, and sharing of resources. Digital content generated on the platform would be tokenized as unique non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to represent ownership, provenance, and value.

Smart contracts for collaboration and licensing: Smart contracts on the platform would facilitate collaboration between human creators and AI algorithms. They would also help manage content rights, licensing, and royalty distribution in a transparent and secure manner.

Decentralized governance and curation: DACPs would allow users to participate in decision-making processes and content curation. This would ensure that the platform remains community-driven and adaptable to users' needs.

Monetization and value exchange: Users would be able to buy, sell, or trade content and services on the platform using cryptocurrencies. This would create a decentralized marketplace for AI-generated content, providing creators with new revenue streams and users with access to unique and personalized experiences.

Such a platform would not only democratize access to advanced AI content generation capabilities but also help drive innovation and collaboration between humans and AI in the creative domain, all within a decentralized and trustless ecosystem.
DACP icon, created by Midjourney
The very first DACP icon, created by Midjourney

I then asked a follow-up question:

In terms of pure UX quality, how would this be better than the existing offerings like Midjourney and the likes?

While existing platforms like Midjourney have made significant strides in offering AI-generated content and an improved user experience, a decentralized autonomous creative platform (DACP) that combines Generative AI and Crypto could offer several advantages in terms of pure UX quality:

Personalization: DACPs can provide a higher degree of personalization by tailoring content to individual users based on their preferences, interests, and interactions. As the AI models become more advanced, the content generated would become increasingly relevant and engaging for each user.

Collaboration: DACPs can foster collaboration between users and AI, allowing users to co-create content with AI algorithms. This can lead to more unique and diverse content, as well as enhanced learning and creativity for the users.

Decentralized Curation: Community-driven curation can lead to more diverse and high-quality content offerings. Users would be able to upvote, downvote, and provide feedback on content, ensuring that the most valued and relevant content is surfaced on the platform.

Trust and Transparency: The use of blockchain technology in DACPs ensures that content ownership, licensing, and royalty distribution are transparent and secure. Users can have confidence in the provenance and rights associated with content, fostering a trusted ecosystem for creative work.

Incentivized Participation: By utilizing tokenized rewards and incentives, DACPs encourage users to contribute, curate, and engage with content more actively. This can result in a more vibrant and dynamic platform that continually adapts to users' needs and interests.

Seamless Monetization: The integration of cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets in DACPs can create a seamless marketplace for users to buy, sell, and trade content or services. This would remove barriers to entry and make it easier for creators to monetize their work.

While the transition to DACPs may involve an initial learning curve for users who are unfamiliar with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, the long-term benefits in terms of UX quality, personalization, trust, and collaboration can make these platforms more attractive and competitive compared to traditional offerings like Midjourney.

And finally, I asked the $1M question:

Which type of content would be the most popular on those DACPs?

Some content categories are likely to gain more traction due to their broad appeal and the capabilities of generative AI models. These may include:

Visual Art and Design: AI-generated art and design pieces, including illustrations, paintings, digital art, and graphic design, can be highly popular on DACPs. These platforms would enable artists and designers to collaborate with AI, creating unique and personalized works that can be tokenized as NFTs.

Music and Audio: AI-generated music compositions, soundscapes, and audio effects can find a significant audience on DACPs. Musicians and audio producers could use AI to create new tracks or enhance existing ones, while listeners could enjoy personalized music experiences tailored to their preferences.

Written Content: AI-generated articles, blog posts, poetry, and stories can become popular on DACPs as well. Writers and content creators can leverage AI to draft, edit, and enhance their work, while readers can access a wide range of content that aligns with their interests.

Educational Content: AI-generated learning materials, such as interactive lessons, tutorials, and courses, can also be in high demand on DACPs. Educators can use AI to develop and adapt content for different learning styles and skill levels, while learners can benefit from personalized educational experiences.

Video and Animation: As generative AI models advance, they will become better at creating video and animation content. Users could create short films, advertisements, or animated GIFs by collaborating with AI algorithms, and these content types could gain popularity on DACPs.

Video Games: DACPs can facilitate the development and distribution of AI-generated or AI-enhanced video games. Game developers can use AI to create game assets, level designs, or even entire game experiences, while players can enjoy unique and personalized gaming content.

Virtual and Augmented Reality Experiences: AI-generated virtual and augmented reality content, such as immersive environments or interactive experiences, can also become popular on DACPs as the technology matures.

Ultimately, the most popular content types on DACPs will be determined by the needs and preferences of the user community, as well as the ongoing advancements in generative AI capabilities. The platform's decentralized nature and token-based incentives would encourage experimentation and innovation, leading to a diverse and ever-evolving content landscape.

Do you see any obvious advantages in this potential killer app at the intersection of Generative AI and Crypto?

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